

A Tutorial on the Sequential Sampling Impulse Radar Concept and Selected Applications

The concept of the sequential sampling is well known and still widely used in industrial automation radar applications due to its hardware simplicity, low cost and low power consumption. However, there is only a limited amount of publications that describe this concept and its variants in detail. This tutorial introduces the typical sequential sampling impulse radar concept step by step and presents several key characteristics, such as correlation properties and SNR considerations. In addition to the system theory, selected applications are presented to illustrate the attractiveness and elegance, but also the limits of this radar concept. The shown applications range from those in industrial automation to radar concepts in the areas of automotive radar, security scanners, biomedical radar systems and ground penetrating radar. The latter application is among others including the analysis of glaciers, e.g. to determine the ice thickness and stratification in order to provide a better understanding of the glacier and its behavior in a changing climate.

The corresponding paper can be found here:

A Tutorial on the Sequential Sampling Impulse Radar Concept and Selected Applications


Calving Fronts and Where to Find Them

A new benchmark database for the automatic mapping of glacier fronts was recently publish in Copernicus Earth System Science Data.

“Calving Fronts and Where to Find Them: A Benchmark Dataset and Methodology for Automatic Glacier Calving Front Extraction from SAR Imagery”


This work represents the first comprehensive database for training and testing machine learning algorithms for glacier calving front detection.

Autor: Nora Gourmelon